05/10/’23 Invited. Speaker, “Islam, Europe, and the West: Narratives around the Mediterranean,” for Attachment to Place in a World of Nations Symposium, at the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy, Boston College, Boston, US.
02/10/‘23 Invited. Speaker, “Religion, ethics, and politics in Europe,” for Migration, Diversity, and Governance ( MiDiGo) Erasmus Mundus Design Measures closing conference, Center for Migration and Urban Studies, Bahçeşehir Unversty, Istanbul.
22/09/‘23 Invited. Speaker, “European Islamic Thought: An Introduction,” for Dal Pluralismo Giuridico allo stato interculturale conference, LUMSA University, Rome.
21/06/‘23 Invited. Keynote, “On Islamic thick and thin ethics and the challenge of modern pluralism,” for the Symposium “Islamic Ethics and Living Together in Ethnic and Cultural Diversity,” Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Belgium.
07/06/‘23 Invited. Keynote, “Islam and Contemporary Europe,” for “Rome Summer Seminars on Religion and Global Politics,” at University of Notre Dame-Rome Global Gate, and John Cabot (American) University, Rome.
09-11/05/‘23 Invited. Speaker, “From Islam in Europe to European Islamic Thought: Developments and Challenges,” (in Arabic), Faculty of Letters, Sidi Mohammed Benabdellah University Dhar Mehrez of Fes, Morocco.
25/02/23 Invited. Speaker, “Islam in a Secular Context,” (in Arabic) for Religion and Society in Europe Conference, Faculty of Arabic Studies, University of Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco.
25-27/01/23 Invited. Speaker, “On Modern Muslim Personalism: Insights from Moroccan Scholarship,” for Ethics and Contemporary Islam Conference, Department for the Study of Religions, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
08-09/12/22 Invited. Speaker, “Religion in Contemporary Moroccan philosophical Thought,” for the Seminar “Maroc : les enjeux du religieux dans une société en transition “2012-2022”,” organized by Centre Jacques Berque, Rabat (affiliated to MEAE-CNRS, France).
25/10/’22 Guest Speaker, “Contemporary Moroccan Thought: Revisiting the Arab-Islamic Intellectual Tradition,” Abusulayman Center for Global Islam Studies, George Mason University, Virginia, US.
20-23/10/’22 Invited. Participant, “Islamic Moral Theology and the Future,” Templeton Foundation Granted Project, held at George Mason University, Virginia, US.
16-17/02/’22 Invited. Speaker, “Islam in the 21st Century: From the Homo Moralis to Homo Ethicus,” Islam in the 21stCentury Second Conference, held at UNESCO Palace, Paris.
31/01/’22 Invited to deliver Ibn Rushd Lecture, “Contemporary Challenges for Pluralism in the Islamic Context,” organized by Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought in Berlin.
09-10/12/’21 Invited. Speaker, “Religion and the State in Contemporary Moroccan Thought,” for the international workshop “The Relationship between State and Religion in the Arab and Islamicate Contexts,” Multiple Secularities project, Center for Advanced Studies, Leipzig University, Germany.
22/11/’21 Invited to deliver the 14th Pieter Gillis Annual Lecture, on “European Islam: Possibilities and Challenges,” at Antwerp University, Belgium,
02/09/’21 Invited. Speaker, “Quran, Philosophy, and Change: Reflections from Contemporary Islamic Thought,” forQuran and Philosophy Panel, the European Academy of Religion (EUARE), Munster, Germany. (Online, vs. Covid-19)
20/05/’21 Invited. Speaker: “Trajectories of European Islam: Facts and Challenges,” (Traiettorie dell’Islam europeo: realtà e sfide), Laboratorio PriMED 2021 (Interuniversity Project-MIUR) ““Paura del diverso, paura del possible,” Roma Tre University. (Online, vs. Covid-19)
28/04/‘21 Invited. Speaker: “The idea of European Islam,” Department of Political Science, Luiss Research Seminars. (Online, vs. Covid-19)
10/11/’20 Invited. Speaker: L’idea dell’islam europeo: narrative, discorsi e sfide, within the project of “Combating the structural drivers of anti-Muslim Hatred and Intolerance,” organized by Ponte Per and the University of Calabria, Dept. of Political Sciences, Calabria, Italy. (Online, for Covid-19)
05/11/‘20 Invited. Speaker: Islam in Europa, Islamofobia, Islam Europeo, organized by Ponte Per and the University of Cagliari, Dept. of Political Sciences, Cagliari, Italy. (Online, for Covid-19)
28/10/‘20 Invited. Seminar/Book Discussion: Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm (Brill 2020), organized by the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) in Jordan, Amman. (Online, for Covid-19)
1-2/07/2020 Conference Introduction (and scientific coordination), “Constitutional Challenges in the Arab World: A Reflective Introduction,” for the 3rd edition of Reset DOC Seminars in North Africa: “Tolerance: Legal and Constitutional Perspectives from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic,” organized by Reset Dialogues on Civilizations (Milan), Reset Dialogues US, in collaboration with the Tunisian Academy for Sciences, Letters and Arts “Beit al-Hikma” in Carthage, Tunisia. (Held online because of Covid-19 pandemic).The conference is part of Carthage Summer school: 29 June-03 July 2020.
04/12/‘19 Invited. Paper presentation: “Intellectual and Political Islam in the Mediterranean,” for “Perspectives on the New Centrality of the Mediterranean,” at LUISS University of Rome, in collaboration between MISLAM and CRiSSMA Center of Research on the Southern System and the Wider Mediterranean of the Università Cattolica del S. Cuore (Milano).
23/11/‘19 Invited. Presentation. “European Islamic Identity.” For the first edition of EULEMA Forum on European Islamic Thought, organized by COREIS Italiana, KAICIID-Vienna, in partnership with the Municipality of Palermo, and the auspices of Deputy of SG of Council of Europe. At Palazzo delle Aquile, Palermo.
08-09/10/‘19 Invited. Opening Keynote. “Challenges and Opportunities for Muslim Religious Leadership in Europe and North America,” for “From CopyPaste to Domestic Training? Muslim Religious Leadership in Europe and North America,” organized by AIWG (Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft/ The Academy for Islam in Research and Society), and Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Berlin.
26/10/‘19 Invited. To give seminars (5 hours) on “”Ethics in European Islamic thought”/ L’etica nel pensiero islamico europeo,” in the programme PRIMED Prevenzione e interazione nello spazio Trans-Mediterraneo, Università degli Studi di Padova.
30/09/‘19 Invited. To give Open Seminar/Lecture: “European Islam: Emerging Geotheologies and the Plurality of Authorities,” Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo.
10-13/07/‘19 Conference Introduction (and scientific coordination), “On Tolerance in the Mediterranean,” for Casablanca Seminars 2nd edition, “Tolerance in Mediterranean Societies: History, Ideas, and Institutions,” Reset Doc and King Abdul Aziz Foundation, Casablanca.
16/06/‘19 Invited. Presentation: “European Islam, Imams, and Religious Authority,” Gulen Chair for Intercultral Studies (Lecture Series 2019), Leuven University, Belgium.
05-07/03/‘19 Invited. Presentation 1: “Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Islamic Thought: Views from the Edge,” for “Panel: Islam and Pluralism,” 06 March;
Presentation 2: “The Spiritual Modernity in the Trusteeship Paradigm of Taha Abderrahmane,” for “Panel: The Category of Modernity: A Critical Workshop,” 07 March. At The European Academy of Religion, 2nd edition, Bologna, Italy.
19/11/‘18 Invited. Paper-presentation: “European Islam: Approaches of Study and Theological Trends,” in Religion in the Innovative Landscape Conference 19-21 November 2018, Bruno Kessler Foundation, in collaboration with the University of Pisa, Trento, Italy.
09-11/07/‘18 Organizer-Speaker: “On Pluralism and the Islamic Traditions,” for the internal conference of Sources of Pluralism in Islamic Thought, organized by Reset Dialogues on Civilizations, Granada Institute for Higher Studies and Research, and King Abdul Aziz Aal Saoud Fondation in Casablanca, Casablanca.
24-25/04/‘18 Invited. Paper (in Arabic): “Trust State Instead of Self-Destruction in the Arab World [dawlatu al-thiqa badala al-ihtiraaq al-thaati fi al-´alam al-arabi],” in Arab Renaissance Conference: Renewing The Civilizational Message, Organized by Arab Renaissance for Development and Democracy (ARDD), the Jordan University and the American University of Beirut, held in Amman, Jordan.
15-16/12/‘17 Invited. Paper-presentation: “On European Islam,” for Islam and Political Islam in Europe International Conference, organized by Granada Institute, Mominoun Without Borders Doundatuon, Interuniversity Center for Culture, Law and Religions (FIDR), Padua University, at Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venezia, Italy.
29-30/11/‘17 Invited. Paper-Presentation: “Mohammed A. al-Jabri between religious reform and critique of Arab reason,” for Forum international des réformes religieuse: religion, pluralité et égalité, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung & l’Observatoire arabe de religions et de libertés, Tunis.
06/03/‘17 Visiting Research Fellows’ Seminar: “On European Islam: Texts and Their Epistemological Shift,” Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, University of Oxford.
21/02/‘17 Invited. Seminar: “On European Islam: New Pathways beyond Orientalism and Occidentalism,” Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham, UK.
17-20/11/‘16 Organized a panel on “Islamic Religious Authority between the Arab World and Europe,” for Middle East Studies Association MESA 50th Anniversary in Boston, USA. Paper: “The European Imam: A Nationalized Religious Authority.”
26-28/09/‘16 Invited. Paper: “On European Islam: The Rise of Modern Muslim Personalism,” International Conference on Shared Sacred Places, organized by Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz, Germany.
24/05/‘16 Invited. “Reflections on Civil Society in Islamic Contexts,” for the closing conference of “EUSPRING: Rights and Citizenship in North Africa,” Department of Human and Social Sciences, L’Orientale, Naples, Italy.
3-4/05/‘16 Invited. Paper presentation “Practical Ethics for ‘Trust Social Contract’ in Taha Abderrahmane’s Political Philosophy,” for the 3rd Annual Conference “The Relationship between Ethics and Dialogue in Contemporary Thought: the Moroccan Philosopher Taha Abderrahmane as a case Study,” Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco.
4-5/12/‘15 Invited. Paper presentation “The Aquatic Identity of Mediterranean Islam: from Cordoba Paradigm to the Emergent Reason”, DE RE Mediterranean 7th Annual Conference, at Florence University of Arts and SUNY Brook University, Florence, Italy.
25-27/09/‘15 Paper presentation: “The Predicament of the Arab Spring: Mohammed Abed Al Jabri’s Project of Renewal and the Way Ahead,” at The Unfinished Propjet of the Arab World Conference, Alberta University, Edmonton, Canada.
11/09/‘15 Paper Presentation: “European Islam’s Approach of the Quran,” at Cambridge Muslim College, Cambridge, for “From Revelation to Scripture Symposium.”
5-7/11/‘14 Organizing and Opening “Imams in Western European Conference,” LUISS, Rome.
10-15/12/‘12 Invited. Paper Presentation: “Moroccan Exceptionalism: In What Sense?” Religion and Democracy Conference Week, organized by The International Research Network on Religion and Democracy (IRNRD) and The Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA), New Delhi.
14-16/06/‘12 Invited. Paper Presentation: “European Islam and the New Heir of God: Overcoming Religion and Atheism,” in “Morocco in Transition” Conference, organized by Centre Jacques Berque in Dhar Mahrez Fes University, Morocco.
10-12/07/‘11 Rethinking the Modern: Colonialism, Empire and Slavery Conference, organized by Warwick University at Birmingham Midland Institute, UK. Paper Presentation: ‘Moroccan Women Writers Revisit the Past, Subvert Subalternity, and Defend the Tradition: Fatema Mernissi and Leila Abu Zaid in Focus.’
28-29/06/‘11 Convened a symposium for Global Migration and Multiculturalism conference (CRONEM) in Surrey University, UK. Paper: ‘European Islamic Thought in the Making.’
19-25/05/‘11 Funded participation by Resetdoc Foundation for Dialogue on Civilizations to participate in ‘Overcoming the Trap of Resentment’ Seminars in Istanbul, Turkey.
21-27/03/‘11 Paper Presentation, funded participation by Dutch NISIS Spring school to present ‘Tariq Ramadan’s Project of European Islam: The Case of the Moroccan-Dutch’ at Centre Jacque Berque & the French Institute in Rabat, Morocco.
26-30/10/2010 Presentation: ‘Contemporary Religious Authority in the Islamic Paradigm: between Reform and Control’ at NISIS First Autumn School, organized by The Netherlands Interuniversity School of Islamic Studies, Amsterdam.
Major (Co-)organized International Conferences and Seminars
Imams in Western Europe: Authority, Training, and Institutional Challenges,
5-7 November 2014, organized by LUISS University in cooperation with the NordForsk Research Network Norms and Narratives in the Nordic Countries (NONA), the European Council of Moroccan Oulema (CEOM, in Brussels), the Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS), the Department of Cross Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen, and the Department of Political Science and International Affairs,at John Cabot University:
Mohammed Abed al-Jabri and the Future of the Arab World
05 May 2015, organized by LUISS University in cooperation with Arab Renaissance for Development and Democracy Organization in Jordan, Reset for Dialogue on Civilizations, and the Moroccan Embassy in Rome
Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm: Interdisciplinary Exploration
14-16 October 2018, organized by CILE Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha,
Sources of Pluralism in Islamic Thought
Casablanca Seminars 1st edition, 09-11 July 2018, organized by Reset Dialogues on Civilizations (Milan), in collaboration with King Abdul-Aziz Al Saoud Foundation for Islamic Studies and Human Sciences in Casablanca, and Granada Institute (Granada). Part of Casablanca Seminars and Summer School, 08-14 July 2018
Tolerance in Mediterranean Societies: History, Ideas, and Institutions
Casablanca Seminars 2nd edition, 10-13 July 2019, organized by Reset Dialogues on Civilizations (Milan), in collaboration with King Abdul-Aziz Al Saoud Foundation for Islamic Studies and Human Sciences in Casablanca. Part of Casablanca Seminars and Summer School, 08-20 July 2019
Brochure Prog Casablanca Tolerance 2019
Tolerance: Legal and Constitutional Perspectives from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic
Carthage Seminars, 3rd edition of Reset DOC Seminars in North Africa, 01-02 July 2020, organized by Reset Dialogues on Civilizations (Milan), Reset Dialogues US, in collaboration with the Tunisian Academy for Sciences, Letters and Arts “Beit al-Hikma” in Carthage, Tunisia. (Held online because of Covid-19 pandemic). Part of Carthage Seminars and Summer School, 29 June – 03 July 2020