- “Kenneth White’s Geopoetics: Rethinking Being, Earth, and Politics,” Reset Dialogues on Civilizations, 22 Sept. 2023.
- “A Tribute to Shabbir Akhtar, Theologian of Islam,” Resetdoc, 27 July 2023.
- “Religion, Politics and the Challenge of Reforms: The Case of Yusuf al-Qaradawi,” Resetdoc, 13 October 2022.
- The Muslim Community and its Ethos, Meydan-George Mason Uni. USA, 22 January 2022.
- Farewell to Hassan Hanafi, the Intellectual Father of the Islamic Left and Occidentalism, Resetdoc, 12 January 2022.
- Who Was Mohamed Waqidi? Redefining Epistemology from the Southern Shore, Resetdoc, 08 August 2021.
- A Tribute to the Late Modernist Moroccan Philosopher Mohammed Sabila, Resetdoc, 28 July 2021.
- On Taha Abderrahmane’s Islamic Ethics and Trusteeship Paradigm, (Arabic), interviewed by Othman Amageur, 01 February 2021.
An Interview with Massimo Campanini: A Tribute, 9 October 2020,
“After COVID-19, only a “middle way” can save us“, Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC Religion and Ethics, 21 aprile 2020.
Optimism Reigns Over Arab Renaissance Amman Conference, 3 May 2018,
The Imamate in Western Europe: A Religious Service in a Secular-Liberal Context , Al Mesbar Studies and Research Center (Abu Dhabi), 7 febbraio 2018.
Why Am I Still Muslim? in Ziauddin Sardar, ed., Critical Muslim 19: Values (London: Hurst and Muslim Institute, 2018).
4. Sadiq Jalal al-Azm: A Journey towards Humanist Secularism, Resetdoc, 13 December 2016,
5. A Treatise on Trust State for a New Arab World: Overcoming Dichotomous Thought, 15 july 16, Part I: A Treatise on Trust State for a New Arab World: Overcoming Dichotomous Thought.
6. A Treatise on Trust State for a New Arab World: Overcoming Dichotomous Thought, 15 july 16, Part II: Context and Features of Trust State in Fifteen Arguments.
Dossier – Five Replies to Trust State Treatise , Resetdoc, novembre 2017.
8. Italian Islam in Mainstream TV: Either Invisible or Visibly Othered, 1 march 16.
Fatema Mernissi : The Pride of Islamic Feminism in Modern Times, 30 novembre 15.
Optimism as a Moral Duty:Overcoming Mutual Suspicion in Europe , 24 october 15.
Mohamed Arkoun : Unveiling Orthodoxy and Hegemony through Spiritual Responsibility, 10 settembre 2015.
Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd : A Theologian Confronting Hijackers of the Quran, 10 settembre 2015.
Mohammed Abed al Jabri : the Future of the Arab World? 27 December 2014.
Islamic Philosophy in the Age of Ethical Malaise and Local Turmoil, Resetdoc Issue October-November 2014, Islamic Philosophy I, II, III:
Islamic Philosophy I : Past and Present Conditions for Existence and Difference, 17 November 2014.
Islamic Philosophy II : The Moderns and Contemporaries in Search for a New Paradigm, 23 settembre 2014.
Islamic Philosophy III : The Question of Ethics: Taha Abderrahmane’s Praxeology and Trusteeship Paradigm, 23 settembre 2014.
Moroccan Democracy : Slow but Sure to Win the Race? 8 may 2014.
Can European Islam Be Inspiring to the Arab World? 16 april 2014.
17. Does the Arab Spring Think? 25 February 2014.
18. Revisiting Historical Relations between Europe and the Islamic World : Three Fertilizing Periods, 3 gennaio 2014.
19. Revisiting the Religious Practice of Eid al-Adha : Public Good Prioritized, 18 ottobre 2013.
No to Thomas Friedman’s “Same War, Different Country” , 9 Septembe 13.
Is Moroccan Exceptionalism Falling Apart? 31 maggio 2013.
MedThinking out of Sight, MedMedia out of Mind , gennaio 2013.
The Legacy of the Moroccan Political System Fragility and the Way Ahead post-2011, 18 aprile 2012.
Morocco’s New Constitution and Individual Freedoms: What Future Scenarios? 26 July 2012.
The spirit of the revolution and its historicity (in Arabic) , december 2011.
On the Task of the Committed Intellectual in the Age of the Arab Revolution, 28 ottobre 2011.
On the Meaning of Freedom (in Arabic) , 20 october 2011.
Morocco’s New Constitution , 30 june 2011,
Future Scenarios for a Common Mediterranean Culture , 9 marzo 2012,
Postcolonial Theory and Its Intellectual Impacts in the Age of Postmodernity and Postsecularity, (in arabo) 2 febbraio 2011,
Eight Remarks about «Tunisia’s Big Move» , 31 January 2011.
Islam on the Edges EP4 – Islamic Thought in Morocco: Philosophy and Muslim Feminism
12 July 2021
In this episode, “Islam on the Edges” travels to a traditional edge of the Muslim and Arab worlds, Morocco. Often overlooked in the study of Islam and Islamic thought, Moroccans see themselves as part of the larger Arab/Islamic world and consciousness. Due to its rich Islamic traditions and the encounter with the European colonizers and thought, the Moroccans have developed a strand of Islamic thought that is both thought-provoking and innovative.
In the first part of this podcast (first 40 minutes), Islam on the Edges host Dr. Ermin Sinanovic talks with Dr. Mohammed Hashas about the emergence of modern and contemporary Islamic thought in Morocco throughout the twentieth century. Dr. Hashas does so by looking at both the Arab and the Berber/Amazigh Muslim authors, such as al-Mokhtar al-Soussi (d.1963) and his 20-volume encyclopedic work “Al-Ma’sul” المعسول, Allal al-Fassi (d.1974), and Taha Abderrahmane (1944-).
In the second part, Dr. Meriem El Haitami focuses on Muslim feminism in Morocco, by highlighting various schools of feminism: secular feminism which is, nevertheless, inspired by religion, Muslim feminism, and Islamist feminism. Dr. El Haitami talks about the legacy of Fatema Mernissi (d.2015) and Asma Lamrabet (1961-) as well as about female piety in Morocco.
Source: The Meydan, an online publication of the Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University, US.

How to Think of the Human Common Today?
Organized by Maarif Center for Studies and Research, Casablanca, 13 October 2020. Hashas speaks in Arabic on “Pluralism in Islamic Thought,” at minutes 32:00-55:00, and 1:40:00-1:50:00:

Renewal of the Civilizational Message Conference, Fourth Session.
organized by Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) Jordan, Amman, 24 May 2018. Hashas speaks at minutes 49:18-01:11:52,
Book Discussion: Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm.
Taha Abderrahmane’s Philosophy in Comparative Perspective (Brill 2020), at the Arab Cultural Forum of the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD), Amman, Jordan, 19 October 2020. Hashas speaks in Arabic at minutes 04:00-25:00, 48:00-01:03:00, 01:15:10-01:23:00

Book Launch, The Idea of European Islam, di Mohammed Hashas, Casablanca Seminars, 13 luglio 2019.
Tavola rotonda su The Idea of European Islam (Routledge 2019), di Mohammed Hashas. Discussants: Professors Massimo Campanini, Ahmet Alibasic, Joceline Cesari, Jonathan Laurence. Presidente: Giancarlo Bosetti. Durante i seminari di Casablanca, “Tolerance in Mediterranean Societies: History, Ideas, and Institutions”, organizzato da Reset Dialogues on Civilizations in Milan e King Abdulaziz Foundation, a Casablanca, Marocco, 13 luglio 2019.

BOOK DISCUSSION: REFORMING MODERNITY: ETHICS AND THE NEW HUMAN IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF ABDURRAHMAN TAHA with author by Professor Wael Hallaq [Columbia University, USA] and hosted by Dr Mohammed Hashas [Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose (FSCIRE-Palermo) & Luiss University of Rome, Italy] Date and time: Sunday 17th May 2020,

Carthage Seminars, Organized by Reset Dialogues on Civilizations and the Tunisian Academy of Sciences Bait el-Hikma in Carthage.
Carthage (on line), 01-02 July 2020
18:47 Mohammed Hashas, Scientific Coordinator, Reset DOC, LUISS University & FSCIRE Palermo

Lecture series 2019 – Current Issues in Islam EUROPEAN ISLAM, IMAMS AND RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY with Mohammed Hashas.
Leuven University, Gulen Chair for Intercultural Studies
Published on May 20, 2019

On European Islam, for the International Conference: Islam and Political Islam in Europe: Adaptations and Transformations, 15-16 December 2017 Organised by Granada Institute for Higher Education and Research, Mouminoun Without Borders Foundation, UPO University, FIDR, Cini Foundation
د. محمد حصحاص, في معنى الإسلام الأوروبي, ندوة البندقية, ايطاليا
Published on Dec 19, 2017

Rencontre avec Mohammed Hashas
لقاء مع السيد محمد حصحاص
Fondation Hassan II pour les MRE
Published on May 13, 2019

Hashas, Practical Ethics for ‘Trust Social Contract’ in Taha Abderrahmane’s Political Philosophy
Taha Abderrahmane’s 3rd Annual Conference on “Ethics and Dialogue in Contemporary Thought: Taha Abderrahmane in Focus,” Chouaib Doukali University, el-Jadida, Morocco, 3-4 May 2016
Published on Mar 20, 2017

Hespress, Mohammed Hashas, Italie – Maroc
Published on Feb 25, 2015

LUISS International Conference Imams in Western Europe –
Welcome session
LUISS School of Government presents the International Conference ‘Imams in Western Europe – Authority, Training, and Institutional Challenges’ November 5, 2014 – Aula Magna, Viale Pola, 12 Rome Welcome by LUISS School of Government: Giovanni Orsina Welcome by the conveners: Mohammed Hashas, LUISS Guido Carli Niels Valdemar Vinding, University of Copenhagen Khalid Hajji, CEOM Jan Jaap De Ruiter, NISIS Chair: Francesca Corrao, LUISS Guido Carli
Published on Nov 12, 2014