Donare per il terremoto in Marocco/ Donate for Morocco Earthquake
Donare per il terremoto in Marocco/ Donate for Morocco earthquake of 08 September 2023 طريقين للتبرع المالي لزلزال المغرب Due opzioni per donare / Two options to donate: 1. Donare tramite la Banca Centrale del Marocco/ Donate through the Central Bank of Morocco عن طريق بنك المغرب: *Dall’estero: IBAN: MA64 001810007800020 110620318 SWIFT Code: BKAMMAMR *Dal Marocco: 001810007800020110620318 Official webpage: https://www.bkam.ma/en/News/2023/Make-your-donations-to-the-special-fund 2. Donare tramite Islamic Relief Italia/ Donate through Islamic Relief Italia عن طريق الإغاثة الإسلامية إيطاليا: Islamic Relief Italia è sul campo in Marocco. Fai la donazione qui/ Donate from here: https://www.islamic-relief.it/emergenze/emergenza-terremoto-in-marocco/ Grazie, Thank you, Shukran, شكراً!