Press & Media

  • In Arabic,  Press & Media

    Al-Jazeera interview with Mohammed Hashas on Trusteeship Paradigm and Islamic Ethics (in Arabic)

    “الأخلاق الإسلامية ونسق الائتمانية” كتاب جديد يناقش مفهوم طه عبد الرحمن عن التراث والحداثة لا يزال موضوع الأخلاق والدين والحداثة يشغل نقاشات الفلسفة العربية المعاصرة، وبشكل خاص منذ صاغ المفكر والفيلسوف المغربي طه عبد الرحمن مفهوم “الائتمانية” معتبراً أن “تمتُّع الإنسان بحرية الاختيار -منذ وجوده في العالم الغيبي- يجعله يُرجع العمل التعبّدي والعمل التدبيري في العالم المرئي إلى أصل واحد هو الائتمان الإلهي”. وفي سعيها لدراسة هذه الفكرة، التقت الجزيرة نت المؤلف محمد حصحاص، باحث أول في مركز لا بيرا للتاريخ والعقائد الإسلامية في باليرمو، وهو أيضا عضو هيئة تدريس في قسم العلوم السياسية بجامعة لويس غويدو كارلي في روما، كما شارك في تحرير كتاب “الإسلام والدولة والحداثة: محمد عابد الجابري ومستقبل العالم…

  • Blog,  Press & Media

    After COVID-19, only a “middle way” can save us

    If you visited the Museum of Contemporary Art in Palermo, Italy, located in the eighteenth-century Palace Belmonte Riso, in the ancient Corso Vittorio Emanuele in the city centre, a simple work of art, a painting in the stairs that lead you from the first floor to the second, reads “In the middle of” — Nel Mezzo di. It is written three times in big capital letters, in both Italian and English. Until the end of February, before the country-wide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the first floor of the museum was dedicated to the beautiful paintings of the self-made Sicilian artist Paolo Madonia and his “Burnt Art.” The paintings…

  • Articles in Italian,  Blog,  Press & Media

    Cosa significa essere marocchino in Italia

    Cosa significa essere marocchino in Italia Il Secolo d’Italia ha pubblicato il 24 febbraio 2020 un articolo intitolato “Questionario indecente a scuola sui marocchini: «Faresti sesso…». Così schedano gli studenti”. Le domande del questionario tendono a descrivere “il marocchino” come straniero, di cultura inferiore, criminale, bisognoso e ladro delle opportunità di lavoro degli italiani. Il questionario viene somministrato in una scuola superiore di Clusone, in provincia di Bergamo. Una parte della società civile attiva ha risposto criticando questo tipo di questionario in ambito scolastico. L’ambasciata del Regno del Marocco ha risposto con indignazione e sorpresa al questionario, chiedendo alle autorità italiane di reagire al fatto adeguatamente. Io, come cittadino marocchino che vive in Italia…

  • Press & Media

    Conversation with Mohammed Hashas on European Islam

    Conversation with Mohammed Hashas on European Islam Conversation conducted by: Harun Karčić European Islam is possible theologically for two main reasons; first, there are scholars or intellectuals, as well as imams who lead mosques and their local communities, who think that a European Islam is possible; it is not that different from saying “Arab Islam,” “Balkan Islam,” “Asian Islam,” “Russian Islam,” “Islam Latino,” etc. It means there is a cultural adaptation, and more importantly, a political-theology adaptation to the context. Of course these are concepts, but what is important is daily life, or what is political, and this is the second point, i.e.  whether this European Islam works, whether it…