Seminars on Islam, Society, and Arab and MislSeminari su Islam, Società, Mondi Arabi e Musulmani
Seminari su Islam, Società, e Mondi Arabi e Musulmani/ Seminars on Islam, Society, and Arab and Muslim Worlds (ISMAM), University of Rome Tor Vergata, March-May 2025
Rabat School: A Different Reading of Contemporary Arab Thought, Mohammed Hashas
Rabat School: A Different Reading of Contemporary Arab Thought – With Mohammed Hashasمدرسة الرباط: قراءة مختلفة للفكر العربي المعاصر، مع محمد حصحاص
Donare per il terremoto in Marocco/ Donate for Morocco Earthquake
Donare per il terremoto in Marocco/ Donate for Morocco earthquake of 08 September 2023 طريقين للتبرع المالي لزلزال المغرب Due opzioni per donare / Two options to donate: 1. Donare tramite la Banca Centrale del Marocco/ Donate through the Central Bank of Morocco عن طريق بنك المغرب: *Dall’estero: IBAN: MA64 001810007800020 110620318 SWIFT Code: BKAMMAMR *Dal Marocco: 001810007800020110620318 Official webpage: https://www.bkam.ma/en/News/2023/Make-your-donations-to-the-special-fund 2. Donare tramite Islamic Relief Italia/ Donate through Islamic Relief Italia عن طريق الإغاثة الإسلامية إيطاليا: Islamic Relief Italia è sul campo in Marocco. Fai la donazione qui/ Donate from here: https://www.islamic-relief.it/emergenze/emergenza-terremoto-in-marocco/ Grazie, Thank you, Shukran, شكراً!
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Modern Moroccan Thought – Blogs Instalment 1 – Modern Historiography
Love’s Day: A Letter to My Intended Lady
Love’s Day: A Letter to My Intended Lady Rome My dear, This to mark a note of love for you, as I may never explain it fully, nor experience it fully, nor demonstrate it enough. It is that interior flow of emotions that seem to say that our alchemy works together. Love does not speak enough. I do not speak enough. I cannot speak enough. Love fights, fights terribly, against uncertainty, the future, fear, solitude, jealousy, appropriation, and departure. A real lover tries to live the great feelings he feels but he is in constant fear of losing the lover. A real lover can become a coward, a frail man…