Hashas talks at the University of Marrakech on Islam and Europe
Mohammed Hashas talks on Islam in a Secular Context at Religion and Society in Europe Conference, Faculty of Letters, Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech, Morocco, 25.02.2023 (In Arabic)
Mohammed Hashas talks at Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought, “Contemporary Challenges for Pluralism in the Islamic Context,” Berlin, 30 January 2022
Contemporary Challenges for Pluralism in the Islamic Context, Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought, Prof. Mohammed Hashas https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=0xGW3Q7XFRI Ibn Rushd Lectures, Contemporary Challenges for Pluralism in the Islamic Context, Prof. Mohammed Hashas The Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought was founded on December 10th, 1998, in commemoration of the 800th anniversary of Ibn Rushd’s (Averroes’) death, and on the 50th anniversary of the declaration of Universal Human Rights. It is an independent organization registered in Germany. Its founding members are mainly of Arab origin who live in Germany. Meanwhile, the fund’s members and sponsors are spread all over Europe, the Arab countries and North America. The sphere of…
Farewell to Hassan Hanafi, the Intellectual Father of the Islamic Left and Occidentalism
Farewell to Hassan Hanafi, the Intellectual Father of the Islamic Left and Occidentalism Hassan Hanafi (1935-2021) was one of the big names of contemporary Arab philosophical and theological studies. He was one of the most prolific and erudite of the 1960s generation of Arab philosophers and thinkers who formed and defended reforms throughout their lifetimes. Hanafi left a huge body of work for scholars to study, to agree and disagree with. He was mourned by prominent Arab intellectuals and scholars, including the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayeb. On his funeral, on 22 October 2021, his coffin toured the campus of the University of Cairo that he loved, and where he…
Who was Mohamed Waqidi? Redefining Epistemology from the Southern Shore
Who was Mohamed Waqidi? Redefining Epistemology from the Southern Shore There is a lot of ideology – i.e. politics at large – behind what we know, how we know, and what we do not know. Time, space, family, society, egoism, and the political world order we are born into are all major factors that impact our limited view of the things around us. Even in our scholarly studies, which are supposed to be “neutral” and “objective”, there is always the personal, and/or the political, whether we admit it or not. The most we can do to be balanced in our views is to control both the personal and the political,…
Hashas Gives the 14th Annual Pieter Gillis Lecture at Antwerp University
Hashas Gives the 14th Annual Pieter Gillis Lectures at the University of Antwerp on “European Islam” Centrum Pieter Gillis, Universiteit Antwerpen Mohammed Hashas – European Islam: Possibilities and challenges Respondent Prof. em. Guy Vanheeswijck 22 November 2021 The first Pieter Gillis lecture was given in 2008 by the Israeli author Amos Oz. Since that time 12 more authors, academics and policy makers have delivered a lecture at the Centre Pieter Gillis. We are delighted to announce now the 14th Pieter Gillis which Dr. Mohammed Hashas will devote to the topic of a European Islam. Abstract: This lecture introduces some main features of Islam’s inlandishness in Europe as well as the…
Islam on the Edges EP4 – Islamic Thought in Morocco: Philosophy and Muslim Feminism
In this episode, “Islam on the Edges” travels to a traditional edge of the Muslim and Arab worlds, Morocco. Often overlooked in the study of Islam and Islamic thought, Moroccans see themselves as part of the larger Arab/Islamic world and consciousness. Due to its rich Islamic traditions and the encounter with the European colonizers and thought, the Moroccans have developed a strand of Islamic thought that is both thought-provoking and innovative. In the first part of this podcast, Islam on the Edges host Dr. Ermin Sinanovic talks with Dr. Mohammed Hashas about the emergence of modern and contemporary Islamic thought in Morocco throughout the twentieth century. Dr. Hashas does so…
Al-Jazeera interview with Mohammed Hashas on Trusteeship Paradigm and Islamic Ethics (in Arabic)
“الأخلاق الإسلامية ونسق الائتمانية” كتاب جديد يناقش مفهوم طه عبد الرحمن عن التراث والحداثة لا يزال موضوع الأخلاق والدين والحداثة يشغل نقاشات الفلسفة العربية المعاصرة، وبشكل خاص منذ صاغ المفكر والفيلسوف المغربي طه عبد الرحمن مفهوم “الائتمانية” معتبراً أن “تمتُّع الإنسان بحرية الاختيار -منذ وجوده في العالم الغيبي- يجعله يُرجع العمل التعبّدي والعمل التدبيري في العالم المرئي إلى أصل واحد هو الائتمان الإلهي”. وفي سعيها لدراسة هذه الفكرة، التقت الجزيرة نت المؤلف محمد حصحاص، باحث أول في مركز لا بيرا للتاريخ والعقائد الإسلامية في باليرمو، وهو أيضا عضو هيئة تدريس في قسم العلوم السياسية بجامعة لويس غويدو كارلي في روما، كما شارك في تحرير كتاب “الإسلام والدولة والحداثة: محمد عابد الجابري ومستقبل العالم…
Intervista di Mohammed Hashas a Massimo Campanini
Intervista di Mohammed Hashas a Massimo Campanini, 12 ottobre 2020: “Alle giovani generazioni bisogna insegnare ad ampliare gli orizzonti. Il mondo non finisce a New York” È morto il 9 ottobre a 65 anni Massimo Campanini, docente di storia del Medio Oriente e di pensiero islamico, grande studioso di filosofia e teologia islamica e divulgatore. Lo voglio ricordare proponendo questa traduzione di un’intervista, molto schietta e personale, fatta da un amico e collega, Mohammed Hashas, che proprio ieri è stata pubblicata su Reset Dialogues. Un tributo è d’obbligo anche su Globalproject, perché Campanini ha sempre accettato con piacere di contribuire a questo progetto, fornendoci analisi utili sul Medio Oriente e condividendo…
Islam europeo, Islam italiano
Islam europeo, Islam italiano Il kit formativo, Islam europeo, Islam italiano è stato realizzato con il contributo di Mohammed Hashas, Senior Researcher presso la Fondazione Scienze Religiose, che svolge la sua attività alla biblioteca e centro di ricerca sugli studi islamici “La Pira”di Palermo e ricopre l’incarico di docente a contratto alla Università Luiss di Roma. Il kit comprende articoli e contributi video in lingua italiana e inglese e affronta il tema della costruzione di un Islam europeo in epoca contemporanea, con un dettagliato focus sulla situazione italana. Una ricca bibliografia multilingue conclude l’approfondimento e rimanda a ulteriori letture. Sulla PARS, portale di formazione e informazione per il contrasto dell’alafabetismo religioso, 20 settembre 2020, https://www.pars-edu.it/percorsi-formativi/islam-europeo-0
“Al-Hashas”: On Identity and Origins of the Name
“Al-Hashas”: On Identity and Origins of the Name Names reflect history and memory. They are containers of traditions, of hopes and aspirations. This applies to my name as well, my family name in focus here (and we leave my first name, and the family name of my mother, “Azirār” which is Amazigh and literally means “Tall/Long”, for another occasion). My name is poetic when read and pronounced in Arabic, composed of a repeated syllable, the vowel of the second is long, “ā”, written in the Arabic version as an “alif” but not visible in the Latin one: “has-has” – [transliterated as “ḥaṣḥāṣ”] – and not “ha-shas” as it is often…